
Healthy Nature works collaboratively with multidisciplinary teams. We understand the importance of working collaboratively with other healthcare providers.

These include:

  • Medical (Physicians, mental health specialists, paediatricians, Dieticians)
  • Allied Health Providers (Speech pathologists, Occupational therapists)
  • Educational providers
  • NDIS providers and Support Co-ordinators
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria
  • Victorian Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (VFTAC)
  • Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

Working collaboratively with multidisciplinary service providers facilitates advocacy, self-determination, and agency for individuals living with dual disabilities. Healthy Nature facilitates a pathway of support that enables physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and economic development.

We take a key therapist-allied therapist-allied health role and ensure multidisciplinary collaboration while coordinating positive partnerships with key stakeholders and families. We support and educate parents and carers to build their capacity, skills, and confidence to better support their loved one with a disability.