
Healthy Nature services are accessible to NDIs clients. Social Workers can work with NDIS clients under the NDIS Registration Group – 0128 – Therapeutic Supports when the Social Worker is a member of the AASW and undertaking clinical supervision and professional development as required by AASW (p24 of NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission’s NDIS Practice Standards Sept 2021).

  1. The Medicare Better Access Scheme is not included in our service.
  2. Some private health rebates may apply; however, this is not always the case. It is recommended that you speak directly with your health insurer.

Social Work costs can be charged to the NDIS under the following line items in accordance with the NDIS Pricing.

Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23

15-603-0118-1-3 (Under 7 yo) Assessment, Recommendation, Therapy or Training – Social Worker p91

15-621-0128-1-3 (Over 7 yo) Assessment, Recommendation, Therapy or Training – Social Worker p93